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Everything posted by speechfan222

  1. Are we receiving emails or actual letters? I was told we would be getting letters by next Wednesday. Do you know approx. how long until we would be removed from the wait list?
  2. Yay for extensions! Maybe I'll get lucky and I will have more time. But maybe not. Haha. Are you from San Diego? I love it there! I hear ya with the Cali traffic. It's crazy! Yes, I'm from AZ. Currently live in Tucson. Oh that's awesome. Phoenix is pretty big too!
  3. That's a good point. I will definitely look into that. Maybe they will allow me to submit within my time zone. But then that would give me 'extra' time and getting an extension of two to three hours. Who knows. I'll look into it. What part of Cali are you from? You should explore the awesome Cali schools for SLP! There are so many good ones. haha.
  4. I have taken a couple of online courses before, but they were from universities in my home state. I was just thinking about course delivery and am wondering about time zone differences. I am currently on the west coast and applied to a few universities in the midwest and on the east coast. Would I assume (I will eventually find out for sure) that assignment due dates and tests/quizzes would be due within the time zone of the university? I wouldn't think the time difference would make an exception? So I would probably have to adjust the time of the due dates and make it two to three hours earlier (to match my time zone). Just a random thought. Let me know what everyone thinks!
  5. I know some online programs require clinicals to be completed in the same city as the university (of course being on campus for 6-8 weeks is required) and some programs allow students to complete clinicals in their home state or where they currently live. I had this same question too when researching online programs. Crazy question...Do you know how it works with time zone differences? i'm on the west coast and applied to TSU (Tennessee) which is 2 hours ahead of me. I'm just kind of worried about deadlines, due dates, and requirements with a time difference. I suppose I will figure something out once I receive an acceptance letter and register for classes.
  6. I'm pretty sure online format the in-class instruction are mostly the same. I know that online courses take alot of organization and dedication. You have to log into the courses daily (sometimes a few times a day) and provide responses to other's posts. Maybe graduate school will be a little different, I'm not sure. But I'm sure it's the same as in-class delivery. Which online programs did you apply to?
  7. I have a few questions about masters programs in sociology... I have heard good things and things that make me hesitated to apply. Is it a good idea to still apply to masters programs although my bachelors degree is in a different field? I have a bachelors in speech pathology and know that pre-reqs are required for those wanting to pursue a masters degree in speech pathology who have a bachelors in another field. I know that there don't seem to be any pre-reqs for sociology majors without a bachelors in the field. Is it still a good idea to apply for masters programs in sociology? Also, the two sociology programs I'm looking into don't require GRE scores. Is this the case for any sociology program at any university? I found it interesting. Thanks for the help!
  8. I was going to apply to this program, but after looking at the tuition costs and being harassed by a ton of phone calls, I decided not to. I completed the SOP and the two required essays and then found out it's a 'live' program which doesn't work for me. I looked into it and filled out an online form to receive more information by email. I did receive one email, but I have also received a ton of phone calls. Last week alone, they called me over five times. I was not interested in speaking with a recruiter, I only had a few questions regarding the program. There is another person here that created a NYU - SLP program thread that said she got accepted with having decent GRE scores and GPA. You may want to consider applying and see what happens. Since it's New York and expensive, I figured it would be pretty competitive, but it doesn't seem that way. I know it's a newer program and they are still working some things out with it, but it never hurts I guess. I would apply and see what happens. I personally applied to ENMU SLP program online (great curriculum and no application fee) and TSU SLP program online. They look like good programs and don't seem too competitive. You may want to consider those two as well. Keep in touch and we can discuss other programs too if you want. :o)
  9. Hi everyone, I didn't want to bother TSU's graduate department any longer, but I called and spoke with them this morning. Sandy just received decisions (I'm not sure from whom) and we should be receiving letters by next Wednesday. I was also told we would be receiving letters even if we are not accepted (don't worry...we will all get in!) or if we are placed on the waiting list. Hope that helps with everyone's anticipation. I'm hoping we receive them earlier than Wednesday, but they did say BY Wednesday. Let me know when you get your letter! Good luck everyone and I'll see you online in class!
  10. Hello! If you are really interested in the field of Speech Pathology, I would definitely consider completing the post-back program that would allow you to complete the courses needed to pursue a Masters degree in the field. I submitted applications to several online speech pathology programs and I would not suggest becoming an SLPA, but that's all up to you. They can provide therapy and documentation, but of course under the supervision of a licensed SLP. SLPA's are limited to the work they can do and are not allowed to hold meetings, create/write an IEP, or make any IEP changes. I decided if I'm going to major in Speech Pathology, I want a Masters degree that will allow me to do all of the work and requirements of an SLP. I don't want to be limited or have to work with someone else and be supervised. I hope this information helps. If you have other questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try and help!!
  11. Has anyone heard anything yet? I'm not able to log into my account since I'm locked out and need to get it reset, but does it give application status? Or does it only show that an application has been submitted? I can't wait any longer!!
  12. We're all waiting in anticipation!! I understand it's a long process, but it's kind of annoying when I was told we would have a letter BY October 1st. And here it is the 5th and everyone's application is still pending. Gahhhhh!!
  13. I figured it would be something like that, but I only have the B, I, U, and the smiley face for emoticons. There is no A at all. I see one here when I type comments, but nothing under the signature section of account settings. No big deal, was just curious. But that's strange...
  14. I guess you did get lucky! That's awesome! I love the line at the end of your stats - There's always next year. Haha. I shouldn't laugh, but that's a good one. Okay I'm dumb. I think I figured out how to add 'extras' to the end of a comment, but I didn't see how to change the font color. Where do you change that at?
  15. $125 for an application fee is ridiculous. Well, I guess all of them are. We should not have to pay a fee to have someone read our applications. It's crazy. And I just noticed your stats. How in the world did you get a perfect score on the writing portion of the GRE? I practiced writing with several prompts and I I thought my 4.0 score was pretty good. But a 6.0? Wow!!
  16. Did anyone happen to log into their TSU account? What does it say? I logged into mine earlier today and all documents are received and the status says pending.
  17. No they didn't. I was originally told October 1st, but then was told sometime this week. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. Who knows. Just keep waiting. Just keep waiting...
  18. The anticipation while waiting for letters is killing me!! I was originally told October 1st, but one university got behind with decisions and promised it would be this week. Ahhhhh. Any suggestions for easing the anticipation besides just trying to ignore it? Ahhhh!!
  19. I almost had to call one of my professors as I was waiting on their letter of rec to complete my application. Fortunately, I received it and submitted my application. I agree with imunster above. I would call their office and leave a voicemail if needed. My professors are very good about responding to emails. You could also send them an email, too. I noticed you're applying to SLP programs. I am too! Which schools did you choose and are you doing the traditional program or online?
  20. *sits here waiting in anticipation.... I checked the mail yesterday hoping to find some kind of letter, but nothing yet. Just a voter registration packet. Darn. I'm going to check the mail everyday this week getting my hopes up and hopefully there will be a letter there! Let me know if anyone receives anything....
  21. Congrats ladies!! I was going to apply to NYU, but then I found out it's a 'live' online program and that doesn't work for me since I'm working full time. I'm still waiting to hear back from the schools I applied to. I hope I get in too.
  22. What are your stats if you don't mind me asking? The program seems the most competitive out of all of them and was curious how strict they are.
  23. Should I use single or double spaced for SOP's that don't have a requirement? Also, what is a decent length? I don't want it too short, yet I don't want it to be too long.
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