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    Central Valley, CA

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  1. @twinguy7 This is a super old thread as mentioned above, but I'd like the practice tests pdf if possible? I would really appreciate it!
  2. Unfortunately, it is for the residential program.
  3. Thank you and good luck! ?
  4. I did my leveling courses at USU and ENMU. I got into all of the programs in my signature (New Mexico, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri State, northern Colorado, Idaho State, Wyoming, and Fresno State). Didn't have any issues with them being "online" nor do I have to makeup any prerequisites.
  5. Accepted to Fresno State and will be attending! Declined eastern New Mexico, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri State, northern Colorado, Idaho State, and Wyoming! Hope it helps one of y'all out!
  6. Declined eastern New Mexico, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri State, northern Colorado, Idaho State, and Wyoming! Hope this helps anyone!
  7. Dr. Pomavil emailed me two days ago and was accepted into the program. Excited that I won't have to go out of state and can live at home. Won't be more than 20k in debt! I'm super elated still
  8. Fresno State 2018!!! Declining eastern New Mexico, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri State, northern Colorado, Idaho State, and Wyoming!
  9. Declined eastern New Mexico, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri State, northern Colorado, Idaho State, and Wyoming! Got into Fresno State! My #1 choice since I'll receive in-state tuition and live at home.
  10. Declined eastern New Mexico, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri State, northern Colorado, Idaho State, and Wyoming! Got into Fresno State! My #1 choice.
  11. Hey all! I declined Northern Colorado, Southeast Missouri, Idaho State, Missouri State, Wyoming and Eastern New Mexico! Hope this helps anyone!
  12. There's always a need for substitute teachers. I'm doing that since it pays more than being a TA/IA or a behavioral tutor. Plus, I've often subbed for RSP/SDC classes and have worked with kids who have difficulties with reading comprehension or articulation. However, it never hurts to sub for an AP/Honor teacher once in a while (or as much as possible)
  13. I am applying to 7 schools that all have reasonable out of state tuition rates (Wyoming might be too pricey if I do not get an assistantship).
  14. Which programs are you applying to? Fresno State, Idaho State, Eastern New Mexico, University of Wyoming, Missouri State, Southeast Missouri, and Northern Colorado. Where are you from? Central California. My #1 school is Fresno State as I would be able to live at home. What are your biggest concerns about applications? My statement of purpose might be the weakest portion of my application. I don't really have direct clinical experience, volunteer hours, or an emotional appeal for why I chose speech-language pathology. Mine was straightforward about why those universities would be great a fit for me and what I can provide the graduate program. I have a 3.98 in-major, 3.93 overall, and 157 V/4.5 AW. Hopefully, my numbers outweigh my personal statement.
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