ayxl Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 for anyone that applied to Dalhousie's BSW, they will be mailing their decisions mid-May
ayxl Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 andddddddd MyFile has informed me that I have been rejected at York. I didn't receive an email or anything, the status just changed. for those still waiting, keep checking! it seems like they update it sporadically. my MSW prospects are slowly dwindling, hope the ones waiting will have better luck ? mswash 1
Giantoreo Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 20 hours ago, lisafara said: After much anticipation and years of hard work, I got into McGill’s Masters Program!!! The wait list moves!!! Good luck to all of those waiting, it is possible!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! ?? You really deserve it!!! Also, thank you for your reply! It was really touching and so encouraging ❤️ I appreciate it. On 4/4/2019 at 1:08 PM, lisafara said: I applied to McGill's QY MSW program last year, and felt exactly the same way. Much like you, I have a lot of experience. I have 7 years of work experience as a counselor, I facilitate groups on a monthly basis, and have worked in three different social service settings as an employee. I have a BA and a CEJEP diploma in social services. Plus, I supervise students to train them in the field of social work. On top of that, my grades were good too. I had been waiting to apply for McGill for 10 years and on the first try I was immediately rejected. I was completely crushed. However, this year I applied again and I was put onto their waiting list, and I made contacts in their department and started doing more alongside my full time job as a crisis counselor. I took more classes and boosted up my GPA, I got lots of feedback about the application before I submitted it, and sent out emails to people in the department. I think that revising a statement of interest always helps, and going directly to their department and asking them how to improve it for next year can go a long way. I did that, and now im on the waiting list. Despite how frustrating that is, I still find that its better than an outright refusal. It also depends on how competitive the program is, so don't take it personally either. For example my program of interest accepts 20 people every year out of hundreds of applicants. I really think that it's important to remember that your value or your capabilities are not validated by an acceptance to your program of choice. You are already awesome and doing your best. It really is the luck of the draw sometimes, and try not to let it get you down! I'm sending you good positive vibes!! lisafara 1
sunflower21 Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 Anyone else get into lakehead’s hbsw in orillia and considering going? Hoping to chat with someone about it!
mswmbapp Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 9:43 AM, Giantoreo said: I'm super depressed about how I got waitlisted at Uoft and probably rejected at York, and I can't stop thinking about it. I worked up my entire life for this moment and it seems like it didn't pay off ? I worked as a TA for two terms, two independent community research projects, and had over 4000 hours of human services through supporting LGBTQ youth in the mental health sector and sexual violence survivors on the crisis line. Is this a common experience for first time applicants? Does anyone have any advice on how to beef up my application for next year? I’m sorry that you didn’t get into the schools you applied at this year. We have almost the same experience but I didn’t TA. However, I have somewhat okay experience doing research. My tip is to concentrate on your personal statement and the people you ask for references. I made my personal statement very personal while talking about topics related to social work. And i also advised my references to talk about specifically on my skills and attributes that are connected to my concentration. Hope that helps. kaur96, Giantoreo, lisafara and 1 other 3 1
MirandaVC Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 Finally got an acceptance! I got into Arizona State University. I'm also on the waitlist for Ryerson so I'm probably going to hang back on accepting right away but I'm super relieved especially since York just rejected me. Good luck to everyone else waiting! mswash 1
chandl28 Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 13 hours ago, Danny11 said: Anyone else get into lakehead’s hbsw in orillia and considering going? Hoping to chat with someone about it! I did
ErinCM Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 Hi, I have just started a Facebook group for the May cohort of the 2 year online MSW at Laurier. If you're interested in joining you can message me and I will invite you.
lisafara Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/5/2019 at 2:51 PM, Giantoreo said: CONGRATS!!!!!!! ?? You really deserve it!!! Also, thank you for your reply! It was really touching and so encouraging ❤️ I appreciate it. Thank you so much!! I am really excited and quite nervous now. I just realised that, I will actually be doing this now. Lol! I really hope you get in off of the waiting list soon! Keep your head high, someone told me once that rejection is a huge part of academia. And to be honest, it is so true. If you don't get in this year, Im sure you can beef up your application for the next and you will get accepted. Don't give up, don't take it personally and keep at it! It will all pay off!!! Giantoreo 1
SOCIALWERK2020 Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/1/2019 at 6:30 AM, SupremeReign said: Hey, may I message you to ask you about George Brown's SSW program, please? I’ve taken this program as well if you have any questions! SupremeReign 1
MirandaVC Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 Just putting it out there that I did the post-degree BSW program at McMaster and I'm willing to answer questions if you have them! mswash 1
VanSW Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 7 hours ago, MirandaVC said: Just putting it out there that I did the post-degree BSW program at McMaster and I'm willing to answer questions if you have them! No results as of yet, but I'll be sure to reach out to you if accepted! Thanks for the kind offer!
Ihatethissomuch Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/5/2019 at 9:24 PM, mswmbapp said: I’m sorry that you didn’t get into the schools you applied at this year. We have almost the same experience but I didn’t TA. However, I have somewhat okay experience doing research. My tip is to concentrate on your personal statement and the people you ask for references. I made my personal statement very personal while talking about topics related to social work. And i also advised my references to talk about specifically on my skills and attributes that are connected to my concentration. Hope that helps. Interesting. I was advised that perhaps a contributing factor to my waitlist status at u of t was because i was so personal with my personal statement (perhaps TOO personal). This was suggested by someone who used to be on the acceptance board for the MSW program at Kings. All I'm saying is it's really hard to know anything for sure.
mswash Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 15 minutes ago, Ihatethissomuch said: Interesting. I was advised that perhaps a contributing factor to my waitlist status at u of t was because i was so personal with my personal statement (perhaps TOO personal). This was suggested by someone who used to be on the acceptance board for the MSW program at Kings. All I'm saying is it's really hard to know anything for sure. And on top of that there's the fact that all the schools seem to be looking for something different, with no discernible rhyme or reason. I applied to 5 schools, was rejected by one, waitlisted at 2, and accepted to 2, with no funding offered for any. There's an arbitraryness to the process for sure. Ihatethissomuch 1
mswash Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/3/2019 at 6:11 PM, Purple-Elephant said: I had to choose between Laurier and Western too! (Advance standing). I originally had my heart set on Western, but then I was offered a significant scholarship from Laurier and went with them. This is what my thought process was: Western: Better location for me because I live in London, better/more local placement options to London, clinical focus which is very important to me, it is a small program which I like, but has higher tuition (about $3,000 more for 1 year) and I wasn’t offered scholarships Laurier: An hour commute to campus for me, has a strong reputation, I like that they have their own building instead of being on main campus, has a mix of macro and micro programs but from what I’ve heard their classes are more focused on macro issues/reflexivity, offered me a lot of money If Western had offered me the funding I personally would have chosen them just based on me being in London and their clinical focus. However I’m happy about Laurier because both are GREAT programs! You can’t go wrong. Are you doing the 2 year route I assume? I am doing the two year! And I'm surprised to hear that King's is more clinical than Laurier -- everyone I've spoken to says that U of T and Laurier are the most clinical schools. I was attracted to King's because of the small class size, but am worried because no one here (Toronto) has heard much about the program there, whereas everyone knows about Laurier. Also Laurier claims to have 700+ placement opps whereas King's has 300+. I received funding at neither so that factor doesn't help. Also rent is cheaper in London but tuition is cheaper at Laurier so I'm still torn! I plan on visiting both schools once my essays wrap up this week. Any chance you know any King's alum?
Purple-Elephant Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 2 hours ago, mswash said: I am doing the two year! And I'm surprised to hear that King's is more clinical than Laurier -- everyone I've spoken to says that U of T and Laurier are the most clinical schools. I was attracted to King's because of the small class size, but am worried because no one here (Toronto) has heard much about the program there, whereas everyone knows about Laurier. Also Laurier claims to have 700+ placement opps whereas King's has 300+. I received funding at neither so that factor doesn't help. Also rent is cheaper in London but tuition is cheaper at Laurier so I'm still torn! I plan on visiting both schools once my essays wrap up this week. Any chance you know any King's alum? King's markets itself as a clinical program, whereas Laurier focuses a lot on being critically reflexive. Maybe King's isn't mentioned when people discuss clinical schools just because the program is smaller/less known? King's probably has less placement opportunities because there are far less students. I do have a friend who did the 1-year program at King's, and a few other classmates from my BSW who went through their program as well. I actually sat in on one of their classes once with a BSW colleague who was in their program, because I always had my heart set on going there! The people I have talked to really liked the courses and the professors there. You may not have been offered a funding package up front, but Laurier in general has MUCH BETTER scholarship, award and grant opportunities that you will be able to apply for over the next two years as a student. Laurier in general has a LOT OF money! I have heard they have so much money because they are a business school. I did my BSW and undergrad both at Renison (UWaterloo), but grew up in the London area. KW seems to have a better network of social service agencies, to be honest. It is more progressive and has more opportunity than the London area. I think visiting the schools is going to be a game changer for you! mswash, MSWgoals and SC-MSW 2019 1 2
nicoleMSW Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 11:10 AM, Jessica_11 said: Hi Nicole! Thanks so much for sharing some information about your schedule for the first few semesters of the MSW program at Laurier. How are you enjoying the program so far? Do you have any others tips or words of wisdom for those of us who are just starting the program? I was also wondering if you found that you were able to buy used textbooks and what the approximate cost was for textbooks during your first two terms? I am starting this September and am really looking forward to it!! Thanks in advance! Jessica No problem at all! I am enjoying the program a lot! We have some incredible professors at Laurier and they really help make the learning experience great. I enjoy most of the courses as well - I find the majority of the content to be applicable as I've started my placement, even when I didn't think it would be! It is relevant and up to date, and the classes are wonderful. In terms of textbooks, the professors are very mindful of it and most don't make you buy anything at all! Most are online. I have purchased two textbooks only in the 8 months I've been in the program so far! In terms of words of wisdom - it is an intense program, but manageable if you take time to take care of yourself. Don't be afraid to talk to professors if you are struggling - and your cohort is an incredible source of support. Can't wait to see you on campus in September - I hope it fits what you are looking for! mswash 1
nicoleMSW Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 On 4/4/2019 at 11:35 AM, MSWgoals said: Thank you for taking the time to answer this question, I really appreciate it I am so conflicted about moving out vs. driving down to Kitchener haha. Your reply was very helpful!!! I also just wanted to know what course load looks like for the first semester. How long are those days from tuesday- thursday? (Like a 9-5?) Many thanks Nicole! For our cohort, Tuesday and Wednesday were 9-4:30 and Thursday was 9-12. I do think they are changing the times though.... so class is either starting earlier or ending later next year (I can't remember which). Hope that helps! mswash 1
MDS96 Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 FYI I will be declining my offer to the 2-year program at York, so a spot will be opening up! Giantoreo 1
mswash Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 10 minutes ago, MDS96 said: FYI I will be declining my offer to the 2-year program at York, so a spot will be opening up! Where're you going instead?
acciojenna Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 Does anyone know if we're able to apply to OGS after the fact? I'm stupid and did not apply in time. thanks in advance!
MDS96 Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 3 hours ago, mswash said: Where're you going instead? I'll be going to UofT mswash 1
Anniemsw Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 Still "under consideration" at York... anyone else have this status? Also wait listed at Ryerson but I declined it Giantoreo 1
rpokroy Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 Yes mine still says under consideration. Not sure what this means because acceptances and rejections have been sent out AyeshaH 1
AyeshaH Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 31 minutes ago, rpokroy said: Yes mine still says under consideration. Not sure what this means because acceptances and rejections have been sent out I'm also wondering the same thing. I've been waitlisted at Uoft and my York status still says under consideration ?. Wait so York has already sent the rejections out?
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