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Fall 2021 Clinical & Counseling PhD/PsyD

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1 minute ago, seahorse_671 said:

Worth mentioning that even with multiple years of FT research exp + a MA, it's still very possible not to get in. Feeling like it really boils down to the year you apply and a lot of other uncontrollable factors ?? We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves. Hang in there, everyone

Yup, absolutely. It's so out of our control when our desired PI has multiple applicants with the same exact stats. 

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4 minutes ago, Midnightly said:

For any other University of Florida (UF) counseling psychology applicants- I spoke with one of the admission peeps! Basically said they had over 600 applicants this term and they’ll probably be sending out the rest of the invites between the next two weeks! Keep your hopes up!

Hi this is going to sound silly but when you called admissions did they ask for your name and look up your record specifically? Or would they be able to just tell you a general timeline? I’ve been anxious all day and am considering caving to call admissions from another school ☹️

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42 minutes ago, winstonian3 said:

What do people normally do as backups? Masters programs? Med school?

Considering my Masters was my back up the first time I applied to PhD, this round my back up would be practicing in the field (getting licensed). I'd obviously continue volunteering in my labs, too. But my fingers are still crossed!

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1 minute ago, winstonian3 said:

Jesus christ guys. The thing is if you apply and don't get in, that can easily be a year of your life wasted. I think I'm going to apply this Fall but also apply to post-bacc premed programs and consider med school a "backup" as crazy as that sounds.

Some people don't get in until their 2nd or 3rd time applying. I'm literally terrified to apply in the fall because of all the craziness I'm hearing. I wish there were more schools that had clinical PhD programs - even though I know there's a ton already, it doesn't meet up with the demand from applicants. 

Edited by PsychApplicant2
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Shared this in the slack but wanted to post here just in case anyone else has had a similar experience. Was offered an interview (my first and only as of now), was pretty excited about it but yesterday got an email from my POI that they will no longer be accepting a student due to them accepting a position at another university. Huge bummer but more aggravating because I had a prelim with them back in Nov and it was never even mentioned as a possibility. I know things change but its just disheartening at this point especially when I'm seeing my other schools all over the results page.  

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Just now, winstonian3 said:

Is this Fall going to be any different than other years?

I don't think I'm going to wait multiple years to apply personally. I can't just put my life on hold for something that I have no guarantee of getting.

I don't think fall '21 will be as crazy as fall '20 regarding application numbers, but I'm worried about PI funding and PI's not willing to take students.

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1 minute ago, PsychApplicant2 said:

Some people don't get in until their 2nd or 3rd time applying. I'm literally terrified to apply in the fall because of all the craziness I'm hearing. I wish there were more schools that had clinical PhD programs - even though I know there's a ton already, it doesn't meet up with the demand from applicants. 

Seconding this - numbers this year were bad enough already, but what about everyone who put off applying this year due to COVID will reapply next year...due to COVID?

I wonder how bad other fields are now.

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Just now, EileanDonan said:

Seconding this - numbers this year were bad enough already, but what about everyone who put off applying this year due to COVID will reapply next year...due to COVID?

I wonder how bad other fields are now.

Yeah, I worry about that too. As for other fields, I'm sure they've seen an increase, but I can almost guarantee that it's nothing like the numbers we're seeing for clinical psych. 980 applications....for 9 spots? It's harder to get into than med school. 

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Just now, PsychApplicant2 said:

Yeah, I worry about that too. As for other fields, I'm sure they've seen an increase, but I can almost guarantee that it's nothing like the numbers we're seeing for clinical psych. 980 applications....for 9 spots? It's harder to get into than med school. 

For real, I wish I were more bio oriented. Otherwise I could have just done pre-med and gone onto psychiatry instead. ?

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Just now, EileanDonan said:

For real, I wish I were more bio oriented. Otherwise I could have just done pre-med and gone onto psychiatry instead. ?

Same... I'm regretting not taking fundamental pre-req classes... I think I'd have a wider range of options (genetic counseling, OT, PT, etc) even though clinical psych is absolutely where my heart's at.

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1 minute ago, winstonian3 said:

Do PIs basically have to fight over taking students? Because it seems like there are way more faculty than the amount of students they let in at a lot of programs.

I don't think they have to fight...from my understanding, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the department lays out how many students they can take that year depending on funding. But I think it's really all dependent on funding.

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2 minutes ago, winstonian3 said:

Do PIs basically have to fight over taking students? Because it seems like there are way more faculty than the amount of students they let in at a lot of programs.

Not typically, I'd assume the number difference is because at most schools, half the faculty won't be taking new students and it varies every year.

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Just now, PsychApplicant2 said:

I don't think they have to fight...from my understanding, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the department lays out how many students they can take that year depending on funding. But I think it's really all dependent on funding.

But if 10 PIs want students and there's only 5 spots...

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4 minutes ago, winstonian3 said:

That's what I'm thinking about doing. Many post-bacc programs are only one year to do all the med school prereqs!

Almost tempting, but then med school + residency takes forever, even longer than most psych PhDs. Given the time, that doesn't necessarily make much sense as an alternative either. ?

And MA's are too expensive. I'm sure loads of us here have student debt!

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18 minutes ago, illuminatingvisage said:

Has anyone hear anything from SHSU, Texas Tech or UNT?

Texas Tech (Clinical) is sending out all invites by Friday, 1/15. Some faculty have already finished, but not sure if all have.

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17 minutes ago, EileanDonan said:

Seconding this - numbers this year were bad enough already, but what about everyone who put off applying this year due to COVID will reapply next year...due to COVID?

I wonder how bad other fields are now.

:mind exploding:

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16 minutes ago, winstonian3 said:

Do PIs basically have to fight over taking students? Because it seems like there are way more faculty than the amount of students they let in at a lot of programs.

I actually had a great conversation with my professor over this last year because they interviewed students but ended up not being able to take one. From my understanding, the department does state how many students they can take each year but they also factor in who is taking a student. For example, if you have two professors wanting students but one professor is tenured and the other is not, the department will likely give the non-tenured professor first pick since their goal is to help professors build their labs and become tenured. In addition, most tenured professors have established labs and research. Remember, the overall goal is to help a program grow. Ultimately, this is not set in stone but may provide some insight into the complexities that go on even after interviews go out or even happen at all.  

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35 minutes ago, BigBrainEnergy said:

Hi this is going to sound silly but when you called admissions did they ask for your name and look up your record specifically? Or would they be able to just tell you a general timeline? I’ve been anxious all day and am considering caving to call admissions from another school ☹️

So when I called I actually had to see about an issue that was showing with my unofficial transcript on my admissions page (thankfully it’s all there on their end), so I did give them my name and he did look it up! I had asked for a general time line after I resolved the issue and he had told me the timeline info I put here. Although, I did see the same thing on the results page. Hope that helps! I’m extremely stressed as well :,,,,)

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