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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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thanks for making me more paranoid katie... This was exactly what I needed this time of year.

haha sorryyyyy! :P I just didn't realise that this was even a possibility D: I feel like the university should just accept them ALL to compensate for the emotional roller coaster. The worst part is that this is a school i am applying to, too! :( 

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yea. tonight I'm probably going to have a nightmare about my admittance revoked due to a computer error. So save your sorry for tomorrow, when I post in the dreams/omen thread. lol


honestly, I'm not that freaked out. If I don't get in, I'm fairly confident I can get a good full time position with the company I'm at now. Plus, my mommy will always love me. :P

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my email at work notifies me right away if I have any email, and I redirect all my gmail to my work email. You guys should do the same... it'll take some edge off trust me.


Alternatively, if you have an android phone and 3G/wifi, gmail has push notification.

Thankfully I don't quite have this problem of checking because all the rejections come in during my sleeping hours anyway...

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my email at work notifies me right away if I have any email, and I redirect all my gmail to my work email. You guys should do the same... it'll take some edge off trust me.


of course it makes you edgier every time your phone goes off telling you that there is an email...at least thats how its been for me

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Geesh, you are that stressed and you have already been accepted to UCLA!!??  


Imagine the kind of stress I'm feeling, I just received my third reject today, no acceptances, interviews or waitlists so far!!!


Be THANKFUL that you have a choice next fall!!!!!!


Nonetheless, best of luck with the rest of your schools :)  

You're right. I don't mean to be ungrateful, I promise. Sorry :(. This is my second time applying (well, to graduate school). The first time, I got rejected from all nine schools I applied to with no interviews, so trust me, I really do understand how frustrating it can be.


I think I'm just one of those people that has HUGE issues with uncertainty. I'm a planner. I also started rethinking the program at UCLA and am not sure if I would rather work than go to their program... so I think that's probably also what's going on.


For those of you waiting for your first acceptance, I wish you extra luck!

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Just to add a slightly different voice to the topic of rejections and bitterness. Whilst I think the aggressive notifications of "Like I care!; There loss!" etc are silly, I DO find it helpful when people post their stats up just so you have a chance to gauge how similar you are.


I'm also officially not going to check my e-mail for 48 hours now...

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So my friend is applying to PhD programs in a different subject... He was notified of an acceptance today at one of his top choice schools (after rejections from a couple others)!!! A few hrs later, he was told that it was a "system error" and he did not actually get in :( This makes me TERRIFIED to find out/announce my results ://


I would love for that to happen.  Print Button + Attorney + Telephone = Accepted. Done.

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I have convinced myself that checking my email on my phone is NOT the same as checking my email on my laptop.  Because, you know, it could be possible that that special email just didn't get updated on my phone....so I should DEFINITELY CHECK! Right?  NO?  


I have at LEAST another week to wait probably.  My interview was Tuesday (this week) and they said two weeks.  I keep hearing stories of people who heard sooner.  It's ridiculous, but I can't stop.  I'm already pretty confident of a rejection but I just want to GET it so I can MOVE ON!

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I've always been an email addict, so whether or not I'm waiting on schools, I check my email too much!


At this point, I have already decided that I don't really care anymore. I got tired of stressing out. I have 3 rejections and no acceptances, waiting on 5 schools. I don't think I will get in anywhere, so I've decided to get a good paying job and try again next year. Oh well.....


who knows? maybe I will get in somewhere, I'm just sick and tired of worrying about. 

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So my friend is applying to PhD programs in a different subject... He was notified of an acceptance today at one of his top choice schools (after rejections from a couple others)!!! A few hrs later, he was told that it was a "system error" and he did not actually get in :( This makes me TERRIFIED to find out/announce my results ://


Last year I got an email rejection and before I could pick myself up off the floor I received another email telling me that in case I received an acceptance email it was and error and I'm really rejected. A day or so later I received another email again reminding me that I've really really been rejected.

So basically, the same school rejected me 3 times.  Luckily by the 3rd email I was dead inside so it didn't affect me as much as you might think.


The silver lining?  I've come to realize that the school in question sucks ass.  Any school that cant complete the simple task of sending appropriate email regarding such a sensitive matter is no school that I want to attend.  (well, not attend *again* since I did get my undergraduate degree from them, but still...you get my point) 

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Last year I got an email rejection and before I could pick myself up off the floor I received another email telling me that in case I received an acceptance email it was and error and I'm really rejected. A day or so later I received another email again reminding me that I've really really been rejected.

So basically, the same school rejected me 3 times.  Luckily by the 3rd email I was dead inside so it didn't affect me as much as you might think.


The silver lining?  I've come to realize that the school in question sucks ass.  Any school that cant complete the simple task of sending appropriate email regarding such a sensitive matter is no school that I want to attend.  (well, not attend *again* since I did get my undergraduate degree from them, but still...you get my point) 

Wow, I'm sorry :( I agree, if  a school did that to me I would NOT want to be involved with them!

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Last year I got an email rejection and before I could pick myself up off the floor I received another email telling me that in case I received an acceptance email it was and error and I'm really rejected. A day or so later I received another email again reminding me that I've really really been rejected.

So basically, the same school rejected me 3 times.  Luckily by the 3rd email I was dead inside so it didn't affect me as much as you might think.


The silver lining?  I've come to realize that the school in question sucks ass.  Any school that cant complete the simple task of sending appropriate email regarding such a sensitive matter is no school that I want to attend.  (well, not attend *again* since I did get my undergraduate degree from them, but still...you get my point) 

oh my... which school was this?

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Wow, I'm sorry :( I agree, if  a school did that to me I would NOT want to be involved with them!

Thank you...it was pretty awful but like all terrible things, eventually you move past it.  Needless to say, I didn't apply there again this year.

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oh my... which school was this?

It was a local university in Toronto called Ryerson.  What this process has made me realize is that some schools are just really bad at communication.

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Speaking of false admissions... I transferred to my undergrad institution from another. I was accepted about 2 weeks after applying, and sent in my enrollment contract the day I received it. About 2 week later, I received an email saying they accidentally accepted too many people and did not have room for us (before they even knew the classes I would be taking). I had already signed a lease on an apartment, and begun withdrawing from classes I had previously enrolled in. Needless to say, I was completely devastated. I had to deal with this school for weeks trying to sort it out. Because they had put me in such a terrible position, they "made an exception" and allowed me to come.

It was truly horrifying.

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I am losing my mind, I can't wait any longer.... I know, I know, I am suppose to be a psych major and have some composure to myself, but this process is making me lose my hair!!



Thanks for letting me vent gradcafe :)

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