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Genetic Counseling Fall 2018 Applicants


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9 minutes ago, Applicatiome said:

Graduated Spring 2015 from Indiana U w/ B.A. Biology (4 year Varsity athlete)

I think your GPA is real good for being a 4 year varsity athlete. But my opinion definitely doesn't matter here. I hope that universities understand the pressure for athletes. Just thought I would do some boosting of spirits.

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13 minutes ago, Applicatiome said:

I was just rejected from Wisconsin - Could have been because I submitted my personal statements as 3 pages single spaced, realized my mistake but wasn't able to resubmit with correct version - Could have been anything (I dunno!).  

A lot of universities say that if you don't follow their personal statement guidelines then they won't even read it.  This is most likely why you didn't get an interview there.  It's too bad you weren't able to resubmit.

I think the rest of your application looks great.  Still a lot more programs to hear back from!

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16 minutes ago, GCtobee said:

Hi fellow IU grad!!! I'm a senior at Indiana now!  Just to answer your question about IU, they sent out all their interview invites a while back.

Go Hoosiers! Thank's for letting me know. When programs wait this long to make contact, do we think it's a bad sign? 

For anyone that's reached out to ask the programs for answers - How did you go about doing that? Are they willing/able to answer questions specifically catering to your app?

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17 minutes ago, Applicatiome said:

Go Hoosiers! Thank's for letting me know. When programs wait this long to make contact, do we think it's a bad sign? 

For anyone that's reached out to ask the programs for answers - How did you go about doing that? Are they willing/able to answer questions specifically catering to your app?

While I am a first time applicant it is my understanding that you can ask the programs in May what you can do better. Right now they are focused on interviews but once that is over they will tell you how to be a stronger candidate in the future. 

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21 minutes ago, TAGC said:

Colorado Interview!

Congrats!! Did anyone else apply there and not receive an email yet? (panic is starting to set in lol)

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3 minutes ago, LauraCH said:

Congrats!! Was it given by email?

Yeah.  It was a form e-mail, but it had my name specifically at the top, so they might be copying and pasting the form one-by-one.  It offered 6 days and asked for top three.

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12 minutes ago, GCtobee said:

Congrats!! Did anyone else apply there and not receive an email yet? (panic is starting to set in lol)

Me! Still hoping to hear, but I knew it was a risk applying there because I didn't have 2 semesters of introductory Biology in undergrad. My major only required one. We'll see what happens!

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Hello Aspiring GC's!  Its been several days so it took me almost an hour to catch up on all the recent posts!  Congratulations to all of you who have been getting interview invitations!  I will be happy if I get one or two more interview invitations this cycle ~ thrilled if I get up to four, but for now I am focusing on preparing for the one that I do have.  I have my first mock interview scheduled.  So far, interviewing has not been my strong suit, but I'll be doing what I can to change that. 

Suggestions from you great interviewers out there would be most welcome!

Something that relaxes me while at the same time enriching my understanding of human genetics is reading.  Thanks again to those of you who offered the great book suggestions, I am currently enjoying The Story Within:  Personal Essays on Genetics and Identity by Amy Boesky.


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Hello everyone! First time posting and I was wondering if there are any Canadian applicants here. I've applied to McGill, UofT, UBC, and UManitoba. Most schools say they start sending out interview invites in February so I was wondering if anyone has heard back from them or if past applicants can advise on when to expect a response from any of these schools. Thanks and best of luck to everyone!

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On 1/28/2018 at 1:48 PM, AspiringGC said:

I found this article on Boise's prospective program particularly interesting: https://arbiteronline.com/nations-first-fully-online-masters-in-genetic-counseling-to-be-offered-at-boise-state/

I'm not sure I'd love a fully online program, but I do see them trying to fill a gap in accessibility for certain students. Anyone have any thoughts? Even, Bay Path's hybrid program was considered unique/risque, so it'll be interesting to see how it pans out. 

I don't know how I missed this post, but I really wanna respond to it! I'm excited about Boise's program, honestly. I personally learn really well online (basically, my master's I just finished I took a ton of online classes for), and I love the flexibility online provides. That being said, i worry it will hurt the networking that typically goes on with GC being a small field. If I was applying for a third cycle (which I don't think I will be, one way or the other, because this year has taken a toll on me...), I would apply to Boise for sure! And I like that their fieldwork will be in a student's home geographic area. I really want to work in rural, under represented areas (like where I currently live) if I can actually can GET IN a program, so this would really appeal to me. 

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1 hour ago, Lauz14 said:

Hello everyone! First time posting and I was wondering if there are any Canadian applicants here. I've applied to McGill, UofT, UBC, and UManitoba. Most schools say they start sending out interview invites in February so I was wondering if anyone has heard back from them or if past applicants can advise on when to expect a response from any of these schools. Thanks and best of luck to everyone!

I applied to McGill - have not heard back yet! Also, my first time posting :) good luck everyone!

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Hi everyone! It's my first time posting and also my first application cycle.  

I applied to seven schools and have heard back from three so far for interviews.  I have accepted all of my interviews (despite the travel costs) because I want to keep my options open.  I know this is going to cost me a lot of $$$ but I'm hoping it will pay off in the future!

I live in Florida right now but have accepted interviews at Emory, UNC Greensboro, and Madison.  I noticed that others had heard back from Colorado yesterday, which makes me nervous as I have still not heard anything.  Do you get a rejection letter from each school if they don't want an interview?

Any news on Arcadia or USF yet? (I also applied to TJU but I know their application wasn't due until yesterday).


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1 hour ago, Lauz14 said:

Hello everyone! First time posting and I was wondering if there are any Canadian applicants here. I've applied to McGill, UofT, UBC, and UManitoba. Most schools say they start sending out interview invites in February so I was wondering if anyone has heard back from them or if past applicants can advise on when to expect a response from any of these schools. Thanks and best of luck to everyone!

This is also my first time posting! I applied to those 4 schools as well and have not heard anything from any of them. Although Manitoba did send me an email telling me my application is under review...

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1 hour ago, Lauz14 said:

Hello everyone! First time posting and I was wondering if there are any Canadian applicants here. I've applied to McGill, UofT, UBC, and UManitoba. Most schools say they start sending out interview invites in February so I was wondering if anyone has heard back from them or if past applicants can advise on when to expect a response from any of these schools. Thanks and best of luck to everyone!

Fellow Canadian here.  I've heard back from Manitoba already, but I haven't heard of anyone else who has, so they may still be giving out interviews.  Last year, UBC sent out their interview invitations on February 3rd, so they could be sending them out any day now.  I've been rejected from McGill three times, and every time it was on the VERY last day of February.  I'm not sure if they send out interview invitations earlier than rejections though.  I believe UofT is mid-February.

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