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Fall 2020 Psychology Acceptances


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School: University of Illinois at Chicago

Program: Clinical Psychology 

Acceptance Date and Notification: February 4th. My POI emailed me to schedule a phone a call that morning to tell me the good news! I have accepted the offer and since received an official offer letter from the University.

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School: Villanova University

Type of Program: Master of Science in General/Experimental Psychology

Acceptance Date and Notification: January 31, 2020; email

(I know it's not a PhD but I'm still excited! I applied to Masters programs c:)

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School: University of Kansas

Type of Program: Counseling Psychology-Ph.D

Acceptance Date: 2/3/2020

My #1 choice ?. If anyone else accepted. Message me



School: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Type of Program:Counseling Psychology-Ph.D

Acceptance Date: 2/6/2020

ah! My #2 choice lol. I applied to 21 programs and got my top two spots. Looks like I did something right. For anyone who interviewed for POI SW, I have pulled my application and it’s all yours ?


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On 2/4/2020 at 8:57 PM, 192020 said:


Just to clarify, I definitely would not hold onto two at a time! I'm more concerned over what to say to the admissions committee for now, since I want to be able to make my decision after my interviews are completed! 

I see both sides of this. I declined the acceptances and interview invites I knew I wouldn't accept once I got an acceptance to one of my top three schools. I knew regardless of financial package I would not end up going to some schools over one of my top three. However, I currently have two acceptances for my top threes and I will not be declining one until I know what the financial package offers are for both of them- which will likely take a few weeks. The same is true if I get notified of acceptance to my final top three school. By all means decline the schools you know you won't be attending, but don't feel you have to be hasty and decline just because you have more than one acceptance, until you have all the information about them.

We are going to be in these programs for a bit, informed choices are important.

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On 2/4/2020 at 5:57 PM, 192020 said:

Might be a silly question, but what is the etiquette when it comes to holding on to an offer? I'm still waiting for my interviews to finish so it feels weird to accept an offer right away, but it also seems weird to ignore it...Are you supposed to tell them you'll get back to them? haha halp Also I only have one offer, so not holding on to multiple at the moment

The CUDCP guidelines say students shouldn’t hold more than two offers for more than a week. But yes, express your excitement and say you’re just waiting for some more info before you can make your final decision. Congrats! 

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School: UC San Diego

Type of Program: Developmental Psychology 

Acceptance Date: 2/6/2020



School: Boston University

Type of Program: Developmental Science

Acceptance Date: 2/10/2020



School: University of California, Irvine (UCI)

Type of Program: Cognitive Science

Acceptance Date: 2/11/2020



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8 hours ago, hopefulgrad2019 said:

The CUDCP guidelines say students shouldn’t hold more than two offers for more than a week. But yes, express your excitement and say you’re just waiting for some more info before you can make your final decision. Congrats! 

Actually you’re allowed to hold onto more than two if you’re still waiting on stipend information, haven’t had a chance to visit the campus, and some other factors 

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27 minutes ago, oliviamabel said:

Would you also please message me about the Auburn POI if you happen to see this? Thanks!

Didn't want to post here until everything was said and done, but I've officially accepted the position! Feel free to message me for any other info!!

School: Auburn University

Type of Program: Clinical Psychology, PhD

Acceptance Date: 2/12/2020


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On 2/12/2020 at 6:09 AM, PsyZei said:

I see both sides of this. I declined the acceptances and interview invites I knew I wouldn't accept once I got an acceptance to one of my top three schools. I knew regardless of financial package I would not end up going to some schools over one of my top three. However, I currently have two acceptances for my top threes and I will not be declining one until I know what the financial package offers are for both of them- which will likely take a few weeks. The same is true if I get notified of acceptance to my final top three school. By all means decline the schools you know you won't be attending, but don't feel you have to be hasty and decline just because you have more than one acceptance, until you have all the information about them.

We are going to be in these programs for a bit, informed choices are important.

I agree with this, and I think it's also important to remember that there are differences across sub-disciplines. For programs that do cold acceptances, it makes sense to visit and evaluate the program before deciding whether or not you want to attend. My top three choices prior to visiting are not the same as my top three choices after having visited a few schools. There was a program I thought I'd love, but I ended up feeling miserable my entire visit. Likewise, there was a school I wasn't considering as seriously until my visit, but they (and the PI) ended up impressing me. Acceptances also don't mean that they offer visit days in a timely fashion. One of my programs accepted me in early December, but does not allow students to visit until late February. Given that I couldn't interview the faculty/students there before then, I feel fine holding off accepting or declining that acceptance for the moment. I didn't apply to programs that I wasn't interested in, so I want to visit them all and decide based on my interactions with faculty and students. I want to know whether I can really see myself attending the program and whether I think it will be a good environment before I commit to 5+ years at a place. 

I also want to throw out there that having better counter offers makes negotiating your stipend possible. Departments may not always be able to up your offer hugely, but if they know they have serious competition many will start to throw you in the pool for fellowships, offer to cover your health insurance, offer to cover your moving costs, etc. I've already have had one school offer me a fellowship once they heard I got in other places. 

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