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  On 4/2/2021 at 4:06 PM, criticalthinker said:

Also I forgot to mention that I received an e-mail from CGS-M notifying me that my application status had changed! That's how I knew to check the portal and when I did I saw that my status was changed from "alternate" to "offered" !

Good luck to everyone on the alternate list! You are worthy of the award and I hope it gets offered to you!


thanks so much!! this gives me some hope. im alternate for NSERC, so here's to the waiting game... thankful to have even gotten this far that's for sure.


Didn't get an offer for CGS-M for Ryerson even though I got accepted there. I also received an alternate offer for Guelph but I haven't heard anything from them yet. This process is so confusing- I didn't think our results could vary between universities.

I was wondering if anyone could offer some insight re: career paths/opportunities for PhD in psychology research. I was accepted into the Psychological Science stream at Ryerson even though I applied for clinical. I'm assuming rejection from all the other clinical programs at this point. I'm also waiting to hear back from MSW (master of social work) at UofT and I'm not sure which one I should choose between the PhD in psych research or MSW..... I feel like social work is pretty similar to clinical and is also such a more secure and predictable path in terms of jobs. Any insight would be greatly appreciated :) TIA!!

  On 4/2/2021 at 6:58 PM, higaisha said:

So happy to see folks getting alternates and offers! I was rejected by all 3 of the schools, so I need to go back to the drawing table with my proposals and craft a better application.


You also got to consider that, just like grad programs themselves, CGSM also received an unprecedented amount of applications this year. Your proposal may have been still very good - it was just the pool you applied to. Plus, CGSM looks at you holistically (GPA, past research experience, even community service!), so that's something to look at too. Overall, it could never hurt to try and make your proposal stronger, but it could have been so many other things too so try not to beat yourself up over the quality of your proposal. :)

Posted (edited)
  On 4/1/2021 at 11:47 PM, Wanderingmind said:

Hi all! I was just wondering if anyone knows of any profs doing research focusing on child/adolescent mental health who may be accepting volunteer RA's from other universities? I don't have any opportunities in my current city, so I'm hoping I can find a lab that I can volunteer with online! Thanks :) 


What specifically are you looking to research? I volunteered with a lab at my university in first year that did longitudinal research on the impacts of things like SES, cultural adjustment, parental involvement, etc on child internalizing and externalizing problems, and I believe there's more in our Ed Psych department in similar areas! You can PM me if interested :) though I don't know if they're doing remote research opportunities, it's still worth asking!

Edited by carlrogersfan98

I got SSHRC for 2/3 programs I applied to, one being a counselling psychology program and it's also for the school I was accepted at! I hope my decline for the other school opens up for someone else on here! I was so surprised I burst into tears! Congrats to everyone else who got offers/alternates! 

The only thing I'm a bit confused about, since I'll have it for my first year I assume it okay if I don't start my research till winter/spring 2022? 


Congrats to everyone for almost reaching the finish line of this round of applications and fingers crossed for all that are waiting to hear back. Is there anyone attending the SACP program at McGill in September that would like to connect?


I still have not heard back from the OISE CCP program. I was really hoping that I would hear back by the 1st. I have not seen anyone post about being accepted to this program so I was wondering if anyone else knows anything. I don't want to get my hopes up, so any information that any of you could provide would be very helpful. 

  On 4/3/2021 at 8:28 PM, PsychologistinTraining said:

I still have not heard back from the OISE CCP program. I was really hoping that I would hear back by the 1st. I have not seen anyone post about being accepted to this program so I was wondering if anyone else knows anything. I don't want to get my hopes up, so any information that any of you could provide would be very helpful. 


I would email them! I did and while I hadn't received my rejection yet they essentially told me that my application was not recommended for a placement (which I had assumed, but it was nice to know for sure so that I could plan accordingly). 


I still haven't heard back from QueensU and McMaster and I thought I would hear back by April 1st. Should I assume rejection? I emailed both of them last week and got the automated response that they won't be answering emails. 

  On 4/5/2021 at 1:25 PM, Tinzzy said:

I still haven't heard back from QueensU and McMaster and I thought I would hear back by April 1st. Should I assume rejection? I emailed both of them last week and got the automated response that they won't be answering emails. 


I haven't heard back from QueensU either, and I would assumed it is a rejection. They already sent our their offers in March, and I think they also interviewed waitlisted candidates. 

  On 4/5/2021 at 1:25 PM, Tinzzy said:

I still haven't heard back from QueensU and McMaster and I thought I would hear back by April 1st. Should I assume rejection? I emailed both of them last week and got the automated response that they won't be answering emails. 


Unfortunately, you should probably assume rejection from McMaster as well. They have already send out offers and emailed those on the waitlist. 

  On 4/4/2021 at 9:25 PM, Plzletmein said:

I would email them! I did and while I hadn't received my rejection yet they essentially told me that my application was not recommended for a placement (which I had assumed, but it was nice to know for sure so that I could plan accordingly). 


I thought today would be the day that I heard back after the long weekend. So far nothing. 


Hi everyone! This is super late because I wanted to wait until I got my official notice. 

School: OISE


Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance

Type of Notification: Email to check portal

Date Notified: Unofficial notice from POI on March 24 and official acceptance email April 8

DM for POI: Yes!

Just for some perspective, this is not my first time applying. I ended up doing a totally different Master's in between and learned so much. This time around, I only applied to this one program because it was the research I'm passionate about and I'm super grateful it worked out!


Hi everyone!

I was losing all hope for this year, but I ended up receiving an offer from McGill's Counselling Psychology (Internship) program! I am incredibly grateful (and surprised!) that everything worked out, especially given how stressful and hectic this application cycle was with the pandemic.

I'd love to chat with any other students on this thread who are  attending McGill's program this fall! Feel free to PM me if you'd like to connect. ? 

Best of luck to those of you who are still waiting to hear back from schools!


Hi all, what do you guys think about going into social work vs. psych research? I ideally wanted to do clinical and after my third year applying, I still haven't been accepted. My passion is psych but I think I really need a practical element to my career. I feel like doing an MSW at UofT will be very clinically-oriented and be really similar to clinical psych. Any thoughts?? and no I will not be applying to clinical psych again LOL

  On 4/10/2021 at 8:55 PM, xtrahotlatte said:

Hi all, what do you guys think about going into social work vs. psych research? I ideally wanted to do clinical and after my third year applying, I still haven't been accepted. My passion is psych but I think I really need a practical element to my career. I feel like doing an MSW at UofT will be very clinically-oriented and be really similar to clinical psych. Any thoughts?? and no I will not be applying to clinical psych again LOL


MSW is a great option for clinical work. There is also a lot of opportunity in the field right now!

  On 4/10/2021 at 8:55 PM, xtrahotlatte said:

Hi all, what do you guys think about going into social work vs. psych research? I ideally wanted to do clinical and after my third year applying, I still haven't been accepted. My passion is psych but I think I really need a practical element to my career. I feel like doing an MSW at UofT will be very clinically-oriented and be really similar to clinical psych. Any thoughts?? and no I will not be applying to clinical psych again LOL


Yes agree with the person above!! Also if you do want the research component I know people in social work who do that too so it’s def possible! 


Question for those who maybe we waiting: if another person who has the offer extended to them doesn't respond before April 15 at 11:59 pm does that mean they automatically forfeit their spot in the program? Or will they be given a longer time to make a decision? 

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