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2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA

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19 hours ago, T.O.hopeful said:

I didn't think they did interviews because it's not mentioned on their website and the Results page for previous years only has people indicating acceptance/rejection but no interview notifications. However, someone posted on one of the earlier pages that they they do interviews sometime in February and then admissions/rejections go out in March. Considering getting accepted without an interview is odd, I'd say what the poster said makes sense! 

@psychgradapps2020 there aren't formal interview days for OISE CCP but expect the POIs to reach out to their top candidates for individual interviews. In the past this has happened before mid-Feb (as the committee meets in mid-Feb). @T.O.hopeful is right, a 6-7 year commitment to a student necessitates a meeting first :) Best of luck. 

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38 minutes ago, xtrahotlatte said:

Anyone hear from York or OISE yet? 

York is always late (I think I heard on January 30 last year), and since they received so many applications this year I wouldn't be surprised if they're even later. I know of one prof who is going to interview two potential grad students in the next two weeks. (I'm a current York student.) 

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Hi all, I did a clinical interview for Ryerson's program today. Since my POI is a psych science professor, I had to do two interviews. One with my POI 2 weeks ago and then today's interview with a clinical psych professor who is not a potential POI or supervisor. Very laid back, just asked why clinical psychology and why Ryerson. After that was just me asking questions about the program. 

Can't guarantee every non-POI interview will go the same but if anyone may find themselves in a similar situation (i.e. having to do a clinical interview with non-POI), hope the above helps!

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is anybody else getting anxious and kinda sad :( i feel like im really not going to get any interviews let alone acceptances this year :( ive been checking my emails everyday to see whether an interview email or notif comes up but nothing. i know people said that its still kinda early considering that schools are still going through apps and stuff but idk! 

Edited by prospectivegradstudent21
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^ This is exactly how I feel ... I just want to encourage you, you are not alone and this year has been the hardest/ most competitive for everyone. Hopefully, we still get interviews. I have not heard from any school. Although, I applied to York, OISE, and Guelph only. 

Edited by mmaka012
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2 hours ago, sparrow123 said:

York is always late (I think I heard on January 30 last year), and since they received so many applications this year I wouldn't be surprised if they're even later. I know of one prof who is going to interview two potential grad students in the next two weeks. (I'm a current York student.) 

Thank you for the info. If anyone has been contacted by York for a prelim, could you pm if you're comfortable?

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5 hours ago, +ve regard said:

@psychgradapps2020 there aren't formal interview days for OISE CCP but expect the POIs to reach out to their top candidates for individual interviews. In the past this has happened before mid-Feb (as the committee meets in mid-Feb). @T.O.hopeful is right, a 6-7 year commitment to a student necessitates a meeting first :) Best of luck. 

do you know if this for the MA program too or just for people they will accept into their PhD program? / I guess what I am also asking is if you do not get contacted by a POI is there still a chance you can get into the MA program haha. thanks :) 

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On 1/25/2021 at 11:30 AM, clinical_psyc_hopeful said:

School: University of Calgary

Program: Clinical Psychology, M.Sc.

Interview type: Formal Interview day/Open House via email from Grad Program Admin

Date of Invite: January 25nd, 2021

DM for POI: Yes! 

Congrats on the interview! If you feel comfortable doing so, could you send me the initials of your POI? No worries, if not. 

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1 hour ago, egyptianintoronto said:

Anyone know if all the McMaster interviews have been sent out? also has anyone heard back from Western’s clinical? 

I think McMaster's prelims were conducted throughout January and top selected applicants received an official interview offer via email on Sunday.

Edited by UroboroS
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23 minutes ago, egyptianintoronto said:

Anyone know if all the McMaster interviews have been sent out? also has anyone heard back from Western’s clinical? 

For Western applicants: 


In response to my request for information, PI informed me that all interview invitations would have gone out by now, so if you have not received an invite yet, you are unfortunately not shortlisted.
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5 minutes ago, psychgirl3 said:

Could the person who just posted about receiving a Ryerson interview on the results page please PM me? I would really appreciate it, thanks!

Me too please!! :) 

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49 minutes ago, guaranteedpsychstudent said:

For Western applicants: 


In response to my request for information, PI informed me that all interview invitations would have gone out by now, so if you have not received an invite yet, you are unfortunately not shortlisted.

Thank you!

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Does anyone have any advice on preparing for an interview with a POI you are well-acquainted with? I’ve been part of my POI’s lab for a couple years now and don’t know how to prepare for the interview. We have already discussed a majority of the typical interview topics at length (research interests, career objectives, strengths, weaknesses, proposed thesis topics, etc.). Any advice or ideas on what interview questions to expect? 

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