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Everything posted by rising_star

  1. Why are you considering the non-thesis MA? How do you think a non-thesis MA will improve your application profile? Why did you apply to your alma mater? Are there people you can see yourself working with there? What's the placement of the program like?
  2. I wouldn't write anything to the POIs that rejected me. If you see them at a conference in the future, you can say hi and let them know what you're up to at that point.
  3. @MandarinOtter, it depends on what you want to do. Do you want to teach anthropology to college students? Are you open to teaching in an area or topical studies field instead? Are you open to teaching in a corporate role? Would you be interested in doing research outside academia?
  4. I think an in person conversation makes sense. That said, if the program isn't supportive, that tells you a lot.
  5. Does your university have a writing center? Often, there's one or a few folks who specialize in working with graduate students. If you can find someone there, try to meet with them regularly (e.g., once a week) to go over your writing. They may be able to help you identify specific patterns in phrasing which you could eliminate to make your writing more concise.
  6. Umm... I'm risk-averse financially so I would follow the funding. I know nothing about your field but I do know that Loyola Chicago is a good school so it seems like a good option. What are your career goals after the master's? How will each of these programs prepare you for those? Where are there recent graduates now? (P.S. For info on the cities, check the "City Guide" on this forum.)
  7. It may have an effect on your application if those faculty are involved in the admissions process. But really, why does it matter? Once you apply, it's out of your hands.
  8. So, I've never done it. But, one thing you might consider is having your kids in school/daycare closer to where you're doing your PhD in case something comes up and you need to pick them up during the day. I know faculty who have that kind of commute and that's what they've done to negotiate things. I would also definitely talk to the DGS and whomever is involved in TA assignments to make sure they're aware of your situation. Hopefully, they'll be willing to work with you on the scheduling so that you don't have to commute every day and that your teaching times work with your childcare arrangements. Good luck!
  9. I'm risk-averse so I wouldn't take on the debt when you have the chance to be fully funded. Why are you leaning toward computer science rather than data science? And, do you think working to pay for an apartment will distract from your studies?
  10. Does the $38K in loans include living expenses if you were to go to Cornell?
  11. Just because they didn't interview applicants doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't visit. Being on the ground somewhere is the best way to get a feel for a program, though I realize it isn't always possible. You may want to try asking more/different current students your questions if you still have some that are unanswered. If you haven't already, you might suggest a phone/video chat, rather than email, since they may be wary of critiquing their program in email.
  12. Have you visited both programs? Have you talked to graduate students in both programs? Is there a place where you think you'd be more comfortable?
  13. @NewPhD, I've lived in many places around the US and have several friends who went to Brown. What they've found, depending on where they are in the country, is that people outside academia aren't sure of what Brown is or where it is. The OP is asking about a professional master's so the ability to go to a program that people outside academia recognize is prestigious is key. UNC's public policy program, in many places, will be better recognized precisely because it is in the top 25 unlike Brown.
  14. You don't say anything about funding, which is a key consideration. I'd also be thinking about the track record of these programs and supervisors when it comes to helping their students get funding to do fieldwork if that's something you'll need to do for your project. I would also think about whether they have or are willing to publish with their students. I know traditional wisdom is not to go to a program for one person. But, I basically did that for my PhD and it worked out fine. My supervisor did later leave for another institution but, I was far enough along in my degree that it didn't affect me or alter my plans.
  15. Okay, so there's a lot going on here. It strikes me that you may want to meet with a counselor or therapist to discuss all of this. Below I'll run through what stands out to me: - You say that you can't handle another year apart. Why is that? If you've already been apart for a while, what have you done to cope with this? Have you considered trying out additional ways to cope? How often are you able to visit one another? Might there be a way for you to visit more often? - Have you considered looking for jobs, internships, etc. in the US so that you could be closer to your boyfriend? - Are there any scholarships/fellowships you could apply for in your home country which would provide funding to pursue a degree in the US? - Are you willing to apply again next year? If so, have you thought about what you might be able to do until then to improve your applications? Don't despair and totally give up on your dreams and your relationship. If these are things you're committed to, you have to be willing to go through some struggles to pursue your dreams.
  16. Ponying up $70K is a lot! Were you offered any funding at all? If you're having doubts, I would try to defer your most preferred option and decline then others. Then, reapply next year to try to get better funding OR try to find a job which offers tuition benefits. I wouldn't take on that kind of financial commitment if you're having any doubts.
  17. @jamj, if the supervisors don't spend as much time with their graduate students, will you really be able to live up to your potential?
  18. There are sooo many threads here on this topic. Have you tried using the search function? At least in your initial email, I would not ask if they're open to negotiating. Instead, you want to state your case. I also wouldn't send the other offer unless they ask for it.
  19. I would look at other threads on this site and see if there are any questions listed there that you still are wondering about. I would also not tell someone you're 98% sure you'll accept their offer and waiting. Just think about how that would make you feel if you were on the other side and receiving an email that said they were 98% sure they'd admit you but they're waiting to be sure.
  20. Honestly, no. The Brown name isn't well-known as even being part of the Ivy League outside of the northeast/mid-Atlantic states.
  21. If you'd like your advisor to be there, invite them.
  22. There aren't a lot of federal grants for graduate school so you aren't missing out.
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