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2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA

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3 hours ago, aaapal said:

Hi friends!

Is it worth it to go back and "re-open" your degree to retake courses or take additional courses as a Post-Bacc in order to increase your GPA? 


1 hour ago, psychapplicant2021 said:

This is a great question and I'm interested in others' input as well! On a related note, how important of a role does GPA plays in the admissions process? For example, assuming both are above the cutoff, does a 3.9 make a big difference relative to a 3.7? Any experiences with getting acceptances/interviews with below a 3.6-3.7 (or whatever the cutoff is at a given school)? Thanks in advance! :) 

I definitely can't speak to every school (and I would assume every policy is slightly different) but I know that Ryerson will only recalculate GPA if your courses were going towards a degree, therefore, taking additional courses would not be helpful unless you were in a new program. 

I interviewed at Ryerson last year and did not get in, so I reached out to the program director about how I could improve my application. He said the main problem was likely my GPA which was a 3.75, and he explained their policy about additional courses. I would recommend reaching out directly to the programs you are most interested in to get specific information. 

Based on the advice I got I decided to apply for an MEd at OISE, so not only was I was able to upgrade my GPA that way but I was also applying with a masters which I believe was helpful (I was accreted to OISE SCCP this year!).

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1 hour ago, psychapplicant2021 said:

This is a great question and I'm interested in others' input as well! On a related note, how important of a role does GPA plays in the admissions process? For example, assuming both are above the cutoff, does a 3.9 make a big difference relative to a 3.7? Any experiences with getting acceptances/interviews with below a 3.6-3.7 (or whatever the cutoff is at a given school)? Thanks in advance! :) 

From what I've heard it doesn't matter tooo much as long as you meet the cut offs. But I do know some profs look at specific courses. For instance a prof I worked for really cared about research methods and stats grades and wouldn't consider anyone with less than an A in those courses. I think it's really dependent on each PI's own views of the process and what they look for in their students. I think as long as you meet the cutoffs you will at least be able to get your app into the hands of more people and potentially make the shortlist. With that said, if you dont meet the cut offs it might be worth doing some extra courses to boost GPA. 

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12 minutes ago, psych101010 said:


I definitely can't speak to every school (and I would assume every policy is slightly different) but I know that Ryerson will only recalculate GPA if your courses were going towards a degree, therefore, taking additional courses would not be helpful unless you were in a new program. 

I interviewed at Ryerson last year and did not get in, so I reached out to the program director about how I could improve my application. He said the main problem was likely my GPA which was a 3.75, and he explained their policy about additional courses. I would recommend reaching out directly to the programs you are most interested in to get specific information. 

Based on the advice I got I decided to apply for an MEd at OISE, so not only was I was able to upgrade my GPA that way but I was also applying with a masters which I believe was helpful (I was accreted to OISE SCCP this year!).

This is really helpful, thank you so much for sharing! Just to clarify, does this mean that Ryerson and schools with the same policy would not use a masters degree either to upgrade/recalculate your GPA? 

Also, congrats on your acceptance to OISE SCCP!!

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Just now, psychapplicant2021 said:

This is really helpful, thank you so much for sharing! Just to clarify, does this mean that Ryerson and schools with the same policy would not use a masters degree either to upgrade/recalculate your GPA? 

Also, congrats on your acceptance to OISE SCCP!!

Thanks :) They would use a masters, but they would not use continuing education courses that are not taken towards any degree. 

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On 2/19/2021 at 3:50 PM, Terelia said:

I think it is more of a general info open house! At least that's the vibe I got but I could be wrong hahah

When I interviewed at York a couple of years ago it was both. There was a lot of general info with an itinerary that included a tour of the psych facilities, but also individual interviews with your supervisor and their grad students. Things may have changed with COVID though (aside from just being virtual). 

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Has anyone applied to the School and Applied Child Psychology program at McGill University? Are you guys aware of what their timelines are like? I don't see much in the way of postings on the results page for this program with the last posted results from 2019 and earlier. 

Any insights would be appreciated!! Alternatively feel free to DM me if you don't feel comfortable responding here :) 

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For those who are re-applying next year - are you thinking of starting to study for the GRE? I'm unsure if I should start and prep, or if I should wait a couple months until the application cycle is over to see if it will be required next cycle? I just wish to use this extra time to prep, rather than finding out last minute it will be required :) 

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I got the email this afternoon and I am still in shock... I'm so grateful for this community -- I wish the best of luck to all of you ❤️?

School: University of Ottawa

TypeMA-PhD in Clinical Psychology

Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance

Type of Notification: Email from department

Date Notified: Feb 22

DM for POI: Of course!


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Not sure if others have seen this, but I found a really informative info guide on reported internship match rates across North American clinical and counselling programs. Includes Canadian schools as well! 


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Hi all,

Just painfully waiting like the rest of you. I thought I would share my application update with this community since everyone is so supportive! Best wishes to everyone who applied and congratulations to those who have received their acceptances :) 

School: OISE 

Program: SCCP 

Date of invite: January 29, 2021

Date of interview: February 2, 2021

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